Thursday, December 31, 2009

Twins Blessing

We were able to bless the twins while my parents were here. They were so cute, we put them in the outfits that my family sent to them. I loved it they looked so cute. I don't know what it was but I am still nerves taking them anywhere for another 3 week. Then they can have there shots and medication. So when we went to church we did the blessing and then left right after. Kit was able to bless Rowen and my Dad blessed Burgen. They were such good little babies and didn't even make a peep. It was so crazy being at church and almost taking up a whole row. Man our family grew so fast, we are so blessed.
Here are some more pictures from the blessing.
The boys in their blessing outfits, Burgen on the Left and Rowen on the Right Mikyn and Carsen in their new outfits.
The Grandparents and 1/2 or their grand kids, we are so proud to say.
Our Cute family.
Burgen and mom and Dad. Rowen and mom and dad.
The boys and the blessers.
On the way home.
Such a happy brother.

Thanks to all for your love and support.


Suzanne said...

Those are awesome photos Randee. You have a darling family and I still can't believe you have TWINS!!!



Anonymous said...

Randee, Your family is so darling and fun. I hope you are hanging in's so much work but so worth it. You are definatly SUPER mommy!! Good job.