Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ice cream cone cakes

Our Grandma and Grandpa Casias sent us the coolest Ice cream cone cupcake maker for Valentines and we haven't had time to make it until now. The kids were so excited and ready to be some taste testers. They both get so excited when we cook.We made a fun fetty cake, we love all the fun colors. And that is our Ice cream cone cupcake pan. You are only suppose to fill it up 1/2 of the way and them put a scoop of Ice cream. But I filled it just under the rim and then it would look like it had Ice cream on it all ready. When they were done cooking we put frosting on it and we each got to pick what sprinkles we wanted. Mikyn and Carsen call there sprinkles "sparkles" so whenever we eat Ice cream they want there sparkles on it. Mikyn wanted Pink of course, Carsen picked Red, Kit picked the little ball looking sprinkles, and I didn't want any I just eat the cake. They were so good I love just eating the cake. We all went outside to play...Then the house wouldn't get to messy.
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Casias for our fun Ice cream cone cakes!

1 comment:

nancy casias said...

I want one!
Love Grandma