Thursday, February 21, 2008

Kids do the cutest things.

Well Mikyn and Carsen are growing up so fast....

The other night Mikyn was in bed and her dad was reading her a book. And she couldn't see any of the pages because her hair was in the way. The next thing we know she was licking her hand and then pushing her hair back out of her eyes. We havent noticed any one that does that, but she sure did. It is crazy how much kids pick up from what is arround them.
Carsen on the other hand... his new favorite thing to say is sister. When he wakes up from is nap and sees that Mikyn is still sleeping he will start saying sis sis sis. Run into her room and wake her up. He also went to his Doctor appointment the other day and he is 30 1/2 inches long and is 26 pounds. He is a healthy growing boy.
Well we love ya'll. Hope to hear from you soon.
The Thames Family


Michelle said...

Your're right, kids do the cutest things..That's why I started blogging..If we don't write them down we will forget..My oldest (7) has really enjoyed reading about he and his sisters funnies...

We're neighbors..we live in Florence and my in-laws live in Darlington..Are ya'll from this area...

Enjoyed your blog..feel free to come visit me...

Mandy said...

Kit & Randee,
Your kids are the cutest! Congrats on the new house. We are going to be waiting till Matt is done with school so that we know where we will be staying. We wish we had our own place though.

Vintage Soul said...

You guys are the cutest family! We miss you! I'm a bit jealous too . . . cute house! ;) And of course, your kids are as cute as ever!!